This past weekend, I ate the best sandwich I have ever had. Not just the best banh mi. But imho, those go hand in hand.
Back story: I wanted to go try Biscuit Love Brunch for breakfast before CMA fest got started Friday. We didn’t get there soon enough and the line was already too long. And I had to get in line to meet my favorite singers at Fan Fair X, of course. So…Drew and I decided to “just” eat at one of dozen food trucks sitting outside of the festival. #bestdecisionever
I LOVE a great banh mi sandwich. My favorite had always been the banh mi from The Root Cafe, but on the brat bun instead of the regular baguette. Anyway, back on track…so seeing a food truck dedicated to banh mi sandwiches got me excited and made the decision for breakfast an easy one. Though, picking which banh mi to choose was puzzling.
While this menu is hard to read, in sum, you can choose from a vietnamese pulled pork and hollandaise banh mi, a five-spice pulled chicken and sriracha mayo banh mi, a soy sauce-braised tofu and mayo banh mi, or a pork liver pate banh mi.
All banh mi sandwiches come on a toasted vietnamese baguette, with cucumber, jalapeno, cilantro, red onion, and vietnamese pickled daikon and carrot. And all cost $8, except the pate, which is $10.
We decided on the vietnemese pulled pork because it sounded more traditional…and I love hollandaise! We only got one to start, you know, in case it is gross. I assume you already figured out, it was anything but gross.

The sandwich, as you can see, was stuffed with meat and veggies. There was about an equal ratio between the sweet, extremely juicy and flavorful pulled pork and the many fresh and pickled veggies. I had never tried daikon before, and this pickled version of it was very crisp and refreshing, with a sweet, yet vinegar-y flavor. The onions were few, which I prefer. The cilantro was fresh. The jalapeno was slight, but prominent enough that you did not forget it was there. The cucumber gave the perfect refreshing crunch that I love about cucumber. The bread was so soft on the inside, allowing all of the juices to get soaked into it. Yet, the outside held its crunchy form, so the sandwich did not even consider falling apart.
All of these aspects together made the perfect sandwich. Drew agrees full-heartedly. As we sat on the street, devouring our sandwich, pork juices dripping all over our clothes, and me repeating “oh my gah, this is SO good” after every bite, we realized this moment might be our favorite of all of CMA fest.
We quickly ordered the exact thing again, and split that one as well. I wanted to try a new one, but couldn’t imagine it living up to the pork version’s perfection…so why fix it if it ain’t broke?
Nashville- if you have not tried this food truck yet, please do. Let me know what you think.
Banh Mi and Roll Rood Truck- if you’re ever in AR, let me know. I’ll buy you out. Missing you already. Love, Amy.