This is my first year selling at farmer’s markets. (Not that I haven’t tried before, but I finally found smaller, nicer markets that will accept me as a non-farmer, but home-baker) This has been my dream. While this dream is a little slower than I imagined, it is still so awesome! The Westover Hills Farmer’s Market on Tuesdays from 4-7 is amazing. We had 17 vendors there tonight and a lot of customers. Everyone there is REALLY nice: the farmers, the sellers, the customers. Seriously, this group of people is making my life better. I have made great new friends. I have struck deals with amazing farmers. (Ex: I am promoting Hardin Farm’s pecans by using them in my pralines, and they are giving me a great deal on their amazing pecans, which are really the best I have ever tried.) And at the end of the market, we can trade goods. So, I can trade my leftovers for delicious groceries for the week. Do things get any better?!

On Wednesdays, I sell at the Winfield Church Farmer’s Market. This market is new and smaller, but it is growing every week. Again…can people be nicer? Come check this place out. These sellers are hard workers with amazing products. And I would know…I have bought them all, and continue to buy them every week. If I ever ask why selling pralines doesn’t make me any money, this is why! #worthit
No matter where you are, go check out your local farmer’s market. These are the best products/ foods/ etc you will get. And usually, they are also the cheapest. Plus, supporting local growers and businesses is important.